A Very Unbusy Christmas

December 1, 2023
A Very Unbusy Christmas

As I start to type out this blog for you on December 1st, the second most Christmassy day of all (at least in our house that is), I can't help but reflect on the whirlwind of the Christmass's that have come and gone. This year, I find myself yearning for a different kind of celebration— less excessive and expectation-filled and one filled with calm, joy, and meaningful connections. So, grab a cup of tea or coffee, find a cozy spot, and let's have a chat together about how we can all make this month truly special without the busyness.

What do you actually want? 

When was the last time you stopped to reflect on what you actually want to experience in the lead up to Christmas (and on Christmas day itself). It’s easy, of course, to get stuck in the trap of traditions or going through the motions of what you’ve always done. But there’s so much magic in focusing on what truly matters to you and the people you care about. Take a moment to reflect on your values and traditions. What energises you? What drains you? What can you outsource? Which moments leave you feeling warm inside? Let your answers to these prompts guide you. Whether it's spending quality time with family, volunteering, devouring a book (or two!) in your most comfy pj’s, cooking your favourite meal while you sing to Michael Buble’s christmas album with a pinot gris in your hand (or is that just me!?) make sure your December plans align with what brings you genuine joy.

Thoughtful Gift Giving

I dislike getting caught up in the last minute Christmas shopping frenzy, but I absolutely love gift giving. So this means I usually aim to do my gift shopping fairly early. There’s something about meandering around the shops in the first week of December buying gifts; enjoying the Christmas decorations, the carols piped through the speakers and the fake santa posing for photos without the last-minute pressure. It feels, to me at least, more intentional. Calm. Joyful. The best of it all. 

Another beautiful gift idea is a handmade gift. But honestly if I commit to enjoying an unbusy Christmas (and tap into what I actually want more of this month rather than what I “should” do), I’m probably not going to DIY anything any time soon. However, if your Christmas love language is making thoughtful gifts for your loved ones, go for it.

Embrace the Joy of Simplicity

This month, I’m planning on leaning into the delights of simplicity. Embracing the joy of simple pleasures, like cozying up with a good book, going for a walk along the beach with a friend, or buying the expensive cheese you usually don’t buy for yourself (and enjoying every little bite). Embracing the joy of simplicity means slowing down your pace and savouring it all (delicious cheese included of course). 

It's easy to get caught up in the idea of the perfect Christmas, complete with flawless decorations, gourmet meals, and impeccably wrapped presents (guilty as charged). But like Mia Freedman once said a few years ago (on parenting but it rings true for this season too) “the key to happiness is low expectations. Lower the bar. Nope, even lower”. On the other side of that lowered bar is radical contentment…..and your roadmap to a very unbusy & joyful December.

Alice x

Written by Alice Abba

Christmas carol lover, foodie, adventurer, event planner & team member at Connected Women.